En savoir plus sur le groupe Elzéar En savoir plus sur le groupe Elzéar Logo du cabinet de recrutement défense Elzear Executive Search firm specializing in the Defense industry

Your Defense Professional



After completing a rigorous two-year preparatory course in advanced mathematics at the Prytanée National Militaire of La Flèche (9074C, Math sup and speciale M’) followed by a Master’s degree from ENSAE and Sorbonne University (Paris School of Economics), Franck became a recruitment consultant in the early 2000s, working in France and England.

This immersion in Anglo-Saxon culture and standards drove him to launch an international firm rooted in French culture which would build expertise for industrial companies in the defense and high-tech sectors.

His DNA: find the best talent for his clients, build trusting relationships with his clients and contribute to their lasting prosperity and success.

I need to hire, Could you call me back ?
”Recruitment leader in the Defense industry”